About Us
Business Quarter Magazine
Welcome to Yorkshire Business Quarter Magazine.
BQ (Business Quarter) is a stimulating quarterly business magazine brought to you by room501 Publishing, a leading contract publishing company. Providing the inside track on what drives Yorkshire's leading businesses, business people and entrepreneurs, BQ offers a unique and refreshing mix of business news, commentary from leading business people and profiles of our most inspirational entrepreneurs. With an inspirational attitude, BQ aims to get to the heart and soul of our most successful business people to find out what drives, inspires and motivates them towards their ambitions.
Each quarter BQ also brings you a wealth of business intelligence and information, whilst looking ahead to forthcoming events and reporting on recent developments that will have a significant impact on the Yorkshire business landscape. BQ is no ordinary business publication.
With unique content and a style determinedly its own, its aim is to inspire, enlighten and empower, embracing and reporting Yorkshire business success wherever it is found.
Peter Baber