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  • Your key to the maze


    Funding is available for SMEs in the region – but tracking it down may sometimes be quite a challenge. Geoff Hodgson though has some advice to guide SMEs through the finance maze.

  • News

    Breaking business news

    The latest regional and national headlinesContinue
  • Painting the sunrise

    As I see it

    Levels of state investment announced for future oil and gas production confirm its status as a sunrise industry sure to remain prominent in the UK economy, says George Rafferty.

  • An idea worth spreading


    For 15 years many firms have been destroying relations with customers, says Kevin Robson. He suggests that in a wilderness of poor or indifferent treatment of customers, and over-focus on serviceability, Service-Ability will be the next big thing.

  • Admirable but tested


    Nowhere in the UK, it seems, will you find better service at a port or airport than in the North East. But the honour doesn’t come easily, as Brian Nicholls records.

  • Locked on to targets


    Andrew Mitchell answers BQ's questions on the effects of the £125m Finance for Business North East Fund on ambitious companies in the region.

  • Getting over your growing pains

    Sara Davies

    Globally successful entrepreneur Sara Davies from Crafters Companion reveals how she managed the growth of her now international business.

  • Why content is king

    As I See It

    PR expert Raman Sehgal on the shift in the way publicity-hungry businesses interact with the press and the value of good content in the battle for coverage.

  • Turnkey talent


    Richard Grafton believes his new interiors business is a step change from the companies he has been running for the past two decades. He tells Peter Baber why.

  • Starting up again

    Barry Dodd

    Over lunch at Swinton Park, Barry Dodd, chairman of the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Enterprise Partnership, tells BQ about the parallels between his organisation and past business successes.

  • Fit for the silver screen


    Gary Verity, chief executive of tourism agency Welcome to Yorkshire, takes a Porsche 911 for a spin and discovers an experience straight out of Hollywood.

  • Regional economy at a crossroads

    Heidi Mottram

    With a major review of the regional economy currently under way, BQ asks one of the influential business leaders behind it, Heidi Mottram, for a progress update.

  • The City's well suited

    success story

    When members of the City crowd are in need of new threads, it is often to a North East hamlet they head, as BQ reports.

  • Two cheers for Holbeck

    success story

    It has come a long way, but has Holbeck – that bit of Leeds immediately south of the railway line and the River Aire – really regenerated itself fully? Peter Baber finds out.