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Learn more about the Growing Places Fund

Tuesday 18 September 2012

A North East seminar for property professionals on bidding for the region’s multi-million pound Growing Places Fund has had to change venue due to high interest in the event.

Organised by JK Property Consultants LLP in conjunction with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and supported by RICS, the event is now being held on Thursday 20 September at Newcastle Civic Centre.

Over 130 attendees will hear from the North East LEP’s chief executive Edward Twiddy who will explain the role of the organisation in driving economic growth, the operation of the Growing Places Fund and the application criteria.

JK Property Consultant’s principal Kevan Carrick, a spokesman for RICS, will be speaking about the challenges facing the North East property market before development construction can start.

The meeting will be chaired by Middleton Enterprises Ltd director and North East LEP board member Jeremy Middleton who will urge those present to make the most of the funding available.

Those already signed up are a mix of property and construction professionals, consultants and advisers including accountants and lawyers in both the public and private sectors.

The North East LEP, which covers Northumberland, Tyneside, Wearside and County Durham, was allocated £25m from the Government’s £500m Growing Places Fund, which is designed to help kick start projects in the regions that cannot get off the ground due to a lack of traditional bank funding.

Chief executive of the North East LEP, Edward Twiddy, said: “The GPF is our opportunity to push ahead with key developments that will drive economic growth but until now have been unable to progress due to a lack of investment. We all know this region needs new investment to create jobs and generate wealth.

"Shortage of finance need no longer be a problem for those offering a strategic fit with our objectives. The GPF is a sustainable pot of money in that as soon as investments are repaid, the funds will be redistributed. Eligible parties should act quickly, particularly where projects are ready to go and match funding is in place, so we can recycle the investment and spread the benefits far and wide.”

JK Property Consultant’s principal Kevan Carrick, said: “Development in the North East has stalled and the launch of the Growing Places Fund is our opportunity to get back on track. There is much enabling work to be carried out before construction can start and the fund can provide the investment to make this happen.

“Interested parties who can prove that their sites are ‘oven ready’ – ie they have planning permission in place, land ownership secured and are ready to start – stand a great chance of securing funding. The investment panel of the North East LEP is geared to fast action so we’re keen for as many people to benefit as possible.”

The Growing Places Fund event takes place from 8am on 20 September 2012 at the Civic Centre in Newcastle. For more information or to register your place, please contact Amy Molloy at JK Property Consultants on or email .
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