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Act fast or miss out, design firms told

Monday 28 January 2013 5:00

Design companies across the North East are being urged not to miss out on a chance to discover the government support available to help them grow and innovate.

The Department for Business Innovation and Skills, BIS, is bringing its Government Support for Business R&D and workshop to Newcastle on January 30 as part of a national tour.

Regional companies are being advised to book their place at the free event.

Terry McStea, design consultant from Design Network North, said: “The workshop presents a convenient and rare opportunity for companies to hear about the latest support on offer from a whole range of government agencies under one roof, on one day.

“For innovative companies with an appetite to grow, this is a not-to-miss event that will provide real insight into how to stay competitive and develop new business in today’s challenging trading conditions.”

Experts from the Technology Strategy Board, HM Revenue and Customs, the Intellectual Property Office, Design Council and BIS will highlight the support available to develop, protect and commercialise new ideas.

Mike Addison, chair of Design Network North and newly appointed business support manager at Newcastle Science City, will focus on the importance of innovation and will provide an insight into his own experience of open innovation during his career with Procter & Gamble.

The support for innovation workshop is to be held at the Business and IP Centre, Newcastle City Library, from 9.15am to 2.45pm. For more information and to register visit