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Gurus offer SME guidance

Thursday 17 January 2013 20:00

Some of the North East’s biggest business names will pass on their expertise to the region’s small businesses at a series of workshops.

Chairman of Newcastle Science City Paul Walker; Fiona Cruickshank, co-owner and director of pharmaceutical firm SCM Pharma, entrepreneur Jeremy Middleton, Sir Ian Wrigglesworth and chairman of the North East Entrepreneurs' Forum Nigel Mills, will be key note speakers at the events, which begin this month.

The Routes to Investment workshops, which take place on six consecutive Mondays from Jan 28 to March 4, are aimed at helping start up and pre-start-up companies access the cash they need to develop – and the speakers will be on hand to pass on their tips and advice.

This is the fourth series of workshops organised by Routes to Investment and around 114 new business start-ups and small companies have already received funding as a result.

In addition, more than £2.5m of subsequent investment has been identified for those businesses and in excess of £4m of future investment is being sought.

The workshops, entitled Using other people’s money to grow your business, will cover a variety of topics such as building a professional business plan; sales and marketing; team building; legal compliance and funding and exit strategies.

As well as hearing from the key note speakers, delegates at each session will also be able to meet fund managers and advisors who will help them identify relevant sources of funding to develop their businesses.

The Routes to Investment workshops have been sponsored by a number of firms including Grant Thornton’s GrowthAccelerator service, Newcastle-based Square One Law and Newcastle Science City.

The series of six workshops will be held at Gateshead Quays between 12.15pm and 5.30pm each Monday between January 28 and March 4 2013.

More information about NEA2F and the services it offers can be obtained by visiting